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About Me

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it is just me from ordinary girl try to be an extra, do my best, try to be a better each second of this short life, try to be someone, means for something in this globe!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Times goes by so fast,
Ooww more than ¼ century I was having a chances to enjoy this beatifull world till now its
May 28th… 2008, ohh so fast..damn!! feels so real I was still feel the way I was seventeen & now … ouch
Last year the same dat was almost the same, was celebrating this special day in Manado, far fr home and far from my besty sure I get besty fellow here as my colleagues and also my home mate …yess last year my bday was celebrate on the same day wth my company anniversary , still not I wasn’t very familiar dat days cuz I was new here in Manado now after all I was 1 year here hm so little bit special. Never hoping much present like old days now. Just a pray and wishes for my success and u know my first call fr some1 special outhere his calling one hour early n singing a song!happy bday!so sweet aaa!!

The stories will posting again next …by the way there is few good things happen to me in this year
1. It s great year I was having great carier, loving my job working in the dream company, traveling lots, great huge jump and the fights Is paid up!!No pain no gain so go pursue ur dream!!!
2. Jump up fr Makassar to Manado, in duty for works!was scary but finaly its being great place to live so far! Home sick yess but yeah whole one year I was flying lots can counted fr last year I was back Makassar-Manado for 5-6 tyms and others city for sure.so njoyable!
3. Get my dream stuffs in short tym!Alhamdulilah one things is still being dream is having my own car “Suzuki grand livina or Suzuki SX4!!anyone wn give me dat!!
4. One step closer my home credit loans being paid !!ending this june!Done!
having my own home now one missing is my life partner..to accomplish and was preparing 4 dat!
5. Got my car license in Manado only on 5 minutes by the support of MR. No. 2 in dat police department! Woow thnx Sir its being great bday gift, the car license from Makassar was expired tday so lucky me! !FREE of charge!!!!
6.......many untold story thnx to God 4 evrything...!!!

Alhamdulilah its being absolutely great journey of life…of me!Thnx to Allah for evrybreath, evry joy and evry second of my life tym hoping I can be something…Worth to this earth!lThnx to all ppl, to my beloved family 4 supported and always become my shoulder, my besty fellows since kids till -----now, my colleagues, my corporate worlds colleagues, my international best frens dat I ever met or just in cyber world!and sure its all of u colouring of my life…!!!Love u all guys and happy bday to me for sure!!!thnx all the wishes and pray for me and for those who sent me a gift thank u very much and also who faxing a cute funny letter..thnx….shukriya….terima kasih, gracias, arigato!!!Muahhhhhhhhhh to allllll!!!!

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