May 26th its Telkomsel 13rd anniversary
Yes its being 13 years servicing the country for all networks till upcounty, many complaints evrywhere still as also compliments but we did our best make it perfect each second in our lifes as we living in services industry moving fast!! now in the age of 13, leading services!!lots events, charity,praying, dancing, partying and sure gathering and bday cakes also..blowing the candles yess sure helding in Network office in Teling Manado, from 9 till 2 pm… party is over wth tired feelings but Fulll of joy, im become photographer and sure alots photo session after dat till nite and lots support wardrobe from HQ!!Love u TELKOMSEL!!!Muach..muach Happy bday to U!!!!!!!!Telkomsel So Close So Real…and in this 13rd anniversary we become a butterfly who fly all over the country for servicing and leading in services!!Bravo Telkomsel!!!!!!!!very proud to being a part of u!!
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