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it is just me from ordinary girl try to be an extra, do my best, try to be a better each second of this short life, try to be someone, means for something in this globe!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Libur seharian di 7 dec 2010
Seharian di kost, bersihkan, pel,
baca doa, baca buku, nonton tv, makan dan nge-blog

"Selamat Tahun Baru Hijriyah, Semõğα ΆLLΆH♡ SWT.. Mếπgαmpųπi sếgαlα Śαlαh ϑαπ Ðõsα2 Kitα ƴğ tếlαh Lalu..., Mếπetαpkαπ sếgαlα ƴğ lếϐih ϐαik ϑi Tahun ƴğ αkαπ ϑαtαπğ ϑğπ pếπųh ǩế ϐerkαhαπ, ϑαlαm Rezeki Ilmų ϑαπ Hαrtα ƴğ ϐếrmαπƒααt .. ϐếrtαmbαh Αmάl Iϐαϑαh ϑαlαm Imαπ ϑαπ Tαqωα..,Sếhαt ωαl Afiαt, ϐαhαğiα , Mųliα , ϑαπ tếrcαpαi sgαlα Hαjαt ϑαπ Ðõǻ ϑαlαm Ŕαhmαt ϑαπ Rïϑhõ ƝƳA♡.. Ααmïïïπ ..Ααmïïïπ...!!

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